Daily supplements of phytosterols were associated with a 20 percent reduction in LDL cholesterol levels in metabolic syndrome patients on a Westernized type diet.
A daily 4 gram dose of plant sterols in an enriched yogurt was associated with a 20 percent drop in LDL cholesterol,
16 percent drop in total cholesterol, and a 19 percent decline in
triglyceride levels, despite the volunteers maintaining their habitual
western-type diet, according to results of a randomized
placebo-controlled study published in Nutrition, Metabolism &
Cardiovascular Diseases.
Numerous clinical trials in controlled settings have reported that
daily consumption of 1.5 to 3 grams of phytosterols/-stanols from foods
can reduce total cholesterol levels by eight to 17 per cent,
representing a significant reduction in the risk of cardiovascular
According to a recent market research conducted by Frost &
Sullivan, phytosterols are the most heart health targeted and benefited
from approved health claims in many markets (as well as recently
approval from the European Food Safety Authority).
The Athens-based scientists recruited 108 people with metabolic
syndrome, aged between 30 and 65 and with average BMIs of 29 kg/m2.
Participants were randomly assigned to receive yoghurt mini-drinks with
or without added sterols (ELAIS-Unilever Hellas SA) for two months. The
daily sterol dose was 4 grams, and participants continued to eat their
normal diet.
Results showed a significant reduction in total cholesterol,
LDL-cholesterol, triglycerides, as well as small and dense LDL (sdLDL)
levels in the phytosterol group, compared with the control group.
The Greek researchers also noted that participants in the sterol
group experienced a significant decrease in levels of apolipoprotein B
(Apo B) of 7 percent, compared with no change in the controls. ApoB is
the main apolipoprotein of LDL cholesterol and is responsible for the
transport of cholesterol to tissues. In high concentrations it has been
linked to plaque formation in the blood vessels, although the mechanism
behind this is not clear.
“However, a change in the dietary habits toward a Mediterranean
type dietary pattern (low in SFA, high in MUFA and PUFA, high in fruits
and vegetables) could have an additional benefit in the lipid profile
and the risk of cardiovascular diseases (CVD),
since it has been found that the Mediterranean diet affects not only
blood lipid levels but also endothelial function, blood pressure, and
other risk factors of CVD,” they added.
Category: Productos
Source: Nutraingredients