Phytosterols May Reduce Triglyceride Levels

Phytosterols may reduce triglycerides, as well as low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol, according to recent findings presented by Todd Rideout at SupplySide West 2010.

Specifically, the triglyceride lowering effects of phytosterols have been recently suggested in several human trials including a meta-analysis
 “We are very excited about the potential of sterols in safely and effectively combating heart-related conditions worldwide,» Rideout said. “The totality of evidence supports phytosterols in lowering LDL cholesterol and now we have new information suggesting benefits on a broader scale.»
Phytosterols are found naturally in vegetables, fruits, vegetable oils, legumes, nuts and grains.
Dr. Rideout suggested that patients may see even greater benefits when combining sterols with other therapies. “Omega-3 fatty acids appear to work well with plant sterols and in these combination studies we have seen a 20- to 25-percent drop in triglycerides and a 5- to 15-percent increase in high-density lipoprotein HDL cholesterol.»
Category: Productos

Source: Food Product Design