Vitamin E supplements may reduce bone fracture rate in the elderly

Use of Vitamin E alpha-tocopherol supplements may reduce the rate of bone fractures in older people, says a new study that supports the potential bone health benefits of the Vitamin.

Data collected over 19 years from 14,738 women indicated that the lowest average levels of alpha-tocopherol were associated with an 86% increase in the rate of hip fracture, while use of alpha-tocopherol-containing supplements were associated with a 22% reduction in the rate of hip fracture.

Similar protective effects from higher Vitamin E levels were observed in men, according to data collected over 12 years in 1,138 men, report researchers from Uppsala University and the Karolinska Institutet in Sweden.

«Vitamin E has been proposed to have positive effects on both bone and muscle mass owing to its antioxidant properties, rendering a theoretical consequential lower fracture risk with a higher alpha-tocopherol intake,» wrote the researchers in the Amercian Journal of Clinical Nutrition.

«Our results support these experimental findings: higher intakes were associated with higher BMD, higher lean muscle mass, and lower fracture risk. In addition, recent randomized trials have indicated that Vitamin E and C supplements have a positive effect on BMD and muscle mass in elderly women and men

Study details:

The new data from Sweden supports the potential bone and muscle health benefits on the Vitamin.

Data from the women indicated that the lowest average levels of alpha-tocopherol were associated with an 86% and a 20% increase in the rate of hip and any fracture, respectively.

The use of supplements containing the vitamin were associated with a 22% and 14% reduction in the rate of hip and any fracture, respectively.

For the men, low levels of alpha-tocopherol more than tripled the rate of hip fracture. No data was available for supplement use with only 4% of the men said they used any type of supplement, but these users did have higher blood levels of alpha-tocopherol, compared to non-users.
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