with the carotenoids lutein and zeaxanthin could boost retinal health
in the eyes, and have benefits for people with seemingly healthy eyes,
says a new study. The human macular pigments (MPs), lutein (L) and
zeaxanthin (Z), most commonly linked to protection from age-related
macular degeneration (AMD), were found to reduce the deleterious effects
of glare on a test group of people with normal eyesight, report
researchers in the journal Optometry and Vision Science. The researchers
looked at the effects of glare – as experienced in many everday
situations, from being outdoors on bright, sunny days, to lengthy
periods looking at computer monitors, and nighttime exposure to the
intense beam of oncoming headlights – on the subjects’ eyes. «Because
many elderly and AMD patients suffer disability due to glare, further
study of whether lutein and zeaxanthin supplementation could reduce
these problems is warranted,» they concluded. Earlier this year,
researchers from Brigham and Women’s Hospital and Harvard Medical School
reported that a higher intake of the carotenoids, as well as vitamin E,
could reduce the risk of developing cataracts by about 15 per cent.
Over 35,000 women took part in the study, which showed that a high
intake of the two carotenoids reduced the risk of cataracts by 18 per
cent, while vitamin E was associated with a 14 per cent reduction,
reports the study in the Archives of Ophthalmology (Jan. 2008, Vol. 126,
pp. 102-109).
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