As a sociable responsible company, Vitae Naturals has been committed to use palm derived ingredients from sustainable sources. This is why VN has recently obtained an RSPO certification (Roundtable of Sustainable Palm Oil) through strict verification of the production process under the stringent “RSPO Principles & Criteria”. This means that all ingredients containing palm oil derivatives are sourced through Roundtable of Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO) Mass Balance mixed-source supply chain.

The fulfillment with RSPO standard is guaranteed in the whole Supply Chain using RSPO certified products. Audits are carried out annually by an accredited company, to prevent overselling and mixing palm oil with conventional (or non-sustainable) oil palm products.

VN´s RSPO certification has been issued by an Accredited Certify Body (BM Trada). The certificate number is BMT-RSPO-0005000. From now on, VN will claim the use of RSPO certified sustainable oil palm products by using the RSPO Trademark.

VN´s RSPO certification has been obtained by following steps since 2014:
1.            VN became a Supply Chain Associate (SCA) applying for RSPO membership.  (Membership number: 9-0796-14-000-00)
2.            VN committed to sourcing 100% RSPO Ingredients from Mass Balance supply chains by 2015 at the very latest;
3.            VN covered all of palm oil derivatives ingredients with RSPO certified products
4.            In 2016 VN  get the  RSPO certification.

More RSPO information is available in the following link:
Category: Quality