Vitae Naturals (Vitae Caps, S.A.) has been awarded with the Prize for Innovation in Health and Nutrition of San Antonio Catholic University of Murcia, for its labor in the food sector. The award was received by the Managing Director, Mr. Fernando Fogeda, on the 12th of September 2013.

Vitae Naturals, manufacturer of natural functional ingredients, based in Talavera de la Reina since 2000, has focused since its beginning on the development and production of ingredients that help to enhance the quality of people’s life and health. And indeed, that is the mission of this company: «To create natural ingredients with the highest quality and purity criteria to enhance people’s life and create value to its company and its customers, using raw materials and processes which help to maintain the environment».

This award is an appreciation for its work, since Vitae Naturals began manufacturing and commercializing natural sourced Vitamin E, whose healthy benefits have been widely tested in both the food and cosmetic sectors. Nevertheless, its great chance was the launching of esterol esters, ingredient that helps to reduce cholesterol levels in blood (LDL) between 8% and 17%, and which is present in the brands of many supermarkets distributor in Europe.

Vitae Naturals has participated in different CDTI projects in collaboration with the University of Extremadura, Complutense University of Madrid and Polytechnic University of Madrid, and at present, it is working on a new CDTI project related to phytosterols.
Category: Quality